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 | Mixing Pop TV There remain some, but very few, marketers today that can deny digital marketing as part of the mix. None-the-less, their online spend (as a percent of their overall budget) remains miniscule; it's important that we understand the reasons for this, and put forward solutions to win a greater share of the budget that goes on TV. [More...] |  | |  | Fat Vegas Crayons Most ad agency creative departments, with a few rare exceptions, have still not quite gotten their heads around how to transfer their big concept to the small screen. One of the key reasons for this is that use of online channels requires a certain level of technical knowledge and expertise that go beyond the use of fat crayons and flip pads. That said, just as a client doesn’t need to know what brand of video tape their TV advert was shot to, the client shouldn’t need to worry about what technology works best on what sites – or what brand of crayons were used. [More...] |  | |  | Viewing Content through a Telescope How often have you sat in a meeting or listened on the phone to some bright spark reaming off the USPs of their unique Internet advertising “Opportunity”? The cliché of “Reaching Your Target Market” rolls of these tongues as easily as a Sales Order out of a fax machine. [More...] |  | |  | So the Marriage doesn’t come unstuck Worth almost €1.4 million in 2002 (over 20% of the total market) according to the IAB/PwC Online Revenue survey, online sponsorships are an integral part of the digital media business. [More...] |  | |
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